#include #include #include #include #include "layer1/rx.h" #include "config.h" #define RESULT_CHECK(stmt) { \ result_t res = stmt; \ if(res != OK) { \ fprintf(stderr, "Error %d in %s:%d!\n", res, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ exit(1); \ } \ } #define CHUNKSIZE_INPUT 8000 #define CHUNKSIZE_RF (CHUNKSIZE_INPUT/2) #define CHUNKSIZE_BB (CHUNKSIZE_RF/SDR_OVERSAMPLING) static struct { size_t preambles_found; size_t successful_decodes; size_t failed_decodes; size_t header_errors; } m_stats; static result_t sdr_rf_to_baseband(nco_crcf nco, firdecim_crcf decim, const float complex *rf_samples, size_t nrf, float complex *bb_samples, size_t *nbb) { if((*nbb * SDR_OVERSAMPLING) < nrf) { fprintf(stderr, "sdr_rf_to_baseband: result would not fit in output: %zd * %d < %zd\n", *nbb, SDR_OVERSAMPLING, nrf); return ERR_SIZE; } *nbb = nrf / SDR_OVERSAMPLING; for(size_t i = 0; i < *nbb; i++) { float complex tmp[SDR_OVERSAMPLING]; assert(i*SDR_OVERSAMPLING < nrf); nco_crcf_mix_block_down(nco, (complex float*)(rf_samples + i * SDR_OVERSAMPLING), tmp, SDR_OVERSAMPLING); firdecim_crcf_execute(decim, tmp, bb_samples + i); } return OK; } void cb_rx(rx_evt_t evt, uint8_t *packet_data, size_t packet_len) { switch(evt) { case RX_EVT_CHECKSUM_ERROR: //fprintf(stderr, "Received a message of %zu bytes, but decoding failed.\n", packet_len); //fprintf(stderr, "=== FAILED PAYLOAD ===\n"); //hexdump(packet_data, packet_len); //fprintf(stderr, "=======================\n"); m_stats.failed_decodes++; break; case RX_EVT_HEADER_ERROR: m_stats.header_errors++; break; case RX_EVT_PACKET_RECEIVED: //fprintf(stderr, "A message of %zu bytes was decoded successfully.\n", packet_len); //fprintf(stderr, "=== DECODED PAYLOAD (%4zu bytes) ===\n", packet_len); //hexdump(packet_data, packet_len < 64 ? packet_len : 64); //fprintf(stderr, "====================================\n"); m_stats.successful_decodes++; break; case RX_EVT_PREAMBLE_FOUND: //fprintf(stderr, "Found preamble!\n"); m_stats.preambles_found++; break; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough arguments!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s \n\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "dump-file: HackRF dump in 8-bit signed interleaved I/Q format.\n"); return 1; } layer1_rx_t rx; FILE *inputfile; int8_t rbuf[CHUNKSIZE_INPUT]; // ** Initialize ** firdecim_crcf decim = firdecim_crcf_create_kaiser(SDR_OVERSAMPLING, 9, 60.0f); nco_crcf rx_nco = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_NCO); nco_crcf_set_frequency(rx_nco, 2 * 3.14159 * SDR_RX_IF_SHIFT / SDR_RX_SAMPLING_RATE); inputfile = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if(!inputfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file!\n"); return 1; } RESULT_CHECK(layer1_rx_init(&rx, cb_rx)); // ** Process packets ** size_t nread; while((nread = fread(rbuf, 1, sizeof(rbuf), inputfile)) != 0) { assert(nread % 2 == 0); // ** Receive signal ** float complex rf_samples[CHUNKSIZE_RF]; float complex bb_samples[CHUNKSIZE_BB]; size_t n_rf_samples = CHUNKSIZE_RF; size_t n_bb_samples = CHUNKSIZE_BB; for(size_t iout = 0; iout < CHUNKSIZE_RF; iout++) { rf_samples[iout] = 0.0078125f * (rbuf[2*iout + 0] + I * rbuf[2*iout + 1]); } RESULT_CHECK(sdr_rf_to_baseband(rx_nco, decim, rf_samples, n_rf_samples, bb_samples, &n_bb_samples)); RESULT_CHECK(layer1_rx_process(&rx, bb_samples, n_bb_samples)); fprintf(stderr, "Receiver statistics:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Preambles found: %8zd\n", m_stats.preambles_found); fprintf(stderr, " Successful decodes: %8zd (%6.2f %%)\n", m_stats.successful_decodes, m_stats.successful_decodes * 100.0f / m_stats.preambles_found); fprintf(stderr, " Header errors: %8zd (%6.2f %%)\n", m_stats.header_errors, m_stats.header_errors * 100.0f / m_stats.preambles_found); fprintf(stderr, " Failed decodes: %8zd (%6.2f %%)\n", m_stats.failed_decodes, m_stats.failed_decodes * 100.0f / m_stats.preambles_found); } // ** Cleanup ** layer1_rx_shutdown(&rx); fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n"); }