#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lcd.h" #include "debug.h" #define CONV_PWM_PERIOD 960 #define CONV_PWM_MAX (98*CONV_PWM_PERIOD/100) #define TIM_CH_CONV TIM_OC1 #define TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP TIM_OC2 #define MAX_SLEEP_TIME 600 #define MAX_SLEEP_TIME_LOW_VOLTAGE 120 #define ADC_VALUE_AT_ZERO_CURRENT 90 enum OperState { Bootstrap, ConvConstVoltage, ConvConstCurrent, ConvMPP, Idle, }; volatile int wait_frame = 1; #define ADC_NUM_CHANNELS 4 volatile int16_t adc_values[ADC_NUM_CHANNELS]; static void unlock_rtc_access(void) { pwr_disable_backup_domain_write_protect(); RTC_WPR = 0xCA; RTC_WPR = 0x53; } static void lock_rtc_access(void) { RTC_WPR = 0xFF; pwr_enable_backup_domain_write_protect(); } static void init_gpio(void) { // Set up UART TX on PB6 for debugging gpio_mode_setup(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO6); gpio_set_af(GPIOB, GPIO_AF0, GPIO6); // GPIO for converter switch gpio_mode_setup(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO8); gpio_set_af(GPIOA, GPIO_AF2, GPIO8); // GPIO for bootstrap pulse gpio_mode_setup(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO9); gpio_set_af(GPIOA, GPIO_AF2, GPIO9); // GPIO for load activation gpio_mode_setup(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO15); } static void init_clock(void) { /* Set STM32 to 48 MHz. */ // Relevant for Timers //rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_48mhz(); rcc_clock_setup_in_hsi_out_48mhz(); // enable GPIO clocks: // Port A is needed for the Display and more rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOA); // Port B is needed for debugging rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOB); // enable TIM3 for scheduling rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM3); // enable TIM1 for PWM generation rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM1); // enable ADC1 clock rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC1); // enable DMA rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_DMA); } static void init_rtc(void) { // RTC clock setup // see libopencm3-examples::examples/stm32/l1/stm32l-discovery/button-irq-printf-lowpower/main.c /* turn on power block to enable unlocking */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_PWR); pwr_disable_backup_domain_write_protect(); /* reset rtc */ RCC_BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_BDRST; RCC_BDCR &= ~RCC_BDCR_BDRST; // use LSI for RTC rcc_osc_on(RCC_LSI); rcc_wait_for_osc_ready(RCC_LSI); /* Select the LSI as rtc clock */ RCC_BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_LSI; /* ?! Stdperiph examples don't turn this on until _afterwards_ which * simply doesn't work. It must be on at least to be able to * configure it */ RCC_BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_RTCEN; pwr_enable_backup_domain_write_protect(); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_RTC_IRQ); exti_set_trigger(EXTI17, EXTI_TRIGGER_RISING); exti_enable_request(EXTI17); } static void init_timer(void) { // *** TIM1 *** // Configure channels 1 and 2 for PWM (-> Pins PA8, PA9) // Ch1 = Buck converter switch, Ch2 = bootstrap pulse timer_reset(TIM1); timer_set_mode(TIM1, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set up PWM channels timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, 0); // no PWM by default timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, 0); // no PWM by default // wanted: 50 kHz / 20 us period // system clock: 48 MHz // => 960 clock cycles / period = CONV_PWM_PERIOD // prescaler timer_set_prescaler(TIM1, 0); // Timer runs at system clock // auto-reload value timer_set_period(TIM1, CONV_PWM_PERIOD - 1); // only generate interrupt on overflow timer_update_on_overflow(TIM1); // enable master output bit timer_enable_break_main_output(TIM1); // *** TIM3 *** // used for the 1-millisecond system tick timer_reset(TIM3); timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // prescaler timer_set_prescaler(TIM3, 47); // -> 1 us counting at 48 MHz // auto-reload value timer_set_period(TIM3, 999); // -> update interrupt every 1 ms // enable update interrupt (triggered on timer restart) timer_enable_irq(TIM3, TIM_DIER_UIE); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM3_IRQ); // Start all the timers! timer_enable_counter(TIM3); timer_enable_counter(TIM1); } static void init_adc(void) { uint8_t channels[ADC_NUM_CHANNELS] = { 0, // VInSense 1, // VOutSense 2, // CurrentSense 16 // Temperature sensor }; adc_power_off(ADC1); // enable the temperature sensor adc_enable_temperature_sensor(); // configure ADC //adc_enable_scan_mode(ADC1); adc_set_single_conversion_mode(ADC1); adc_set_resolution(ADC1, ADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT); adc_set_sample_time_on_all_channels(ADC1, ADC_SMPR_SMP_239DOT5); adc_disable_external_trigger_regular(ADC1); adc_set_right_aligned(ADC1); adc_set_regular_sequence(ADC1, ADC_NUM_CHANNELS, channels); // configure DMA for ADC //nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_DMA1_STREAM5_IRQ); dma_channel_reset(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1); dma_set_priority(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, DMA_CCR_PL_LOW); dma_set_memory_size(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, DMA_CCR_MSIZE_16BIT); dma_set_peripheral_size(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, DMA_CCR_PSIZE_16BIT); dma_enable_memory_increment_mode(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1); dma_enable_circular_mode(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1); dma_set_read_from_peripheral(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1); dma_set_peripheral_address(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, (uint32_t) &ADC1_DR); /* The array adc_values[] is filled with the waveform data to be output */ dma_set_memory_address(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, (uint32_t) adc_values); dma_set_number_of_data(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, ADC_NUM_CHANNELS); //dma_enable_transfer_complete_interrupt(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1); dma_enable_channel(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1); adc_enable_dma(ADC1); adc_power_on(ADC1); } static void deepsleep(uint32_t duration_secs) { uint32_t tmp = 0; // unlock RTC registers unlock_rtc_access(); // enter initialization mode RTC_ISR |= RTC_ISR_INIT; // wait until initialization mode has been entered while((RTC_ISR & RTC_ISR_INITF) != RTC_ISR_INITF) { // do nothing } RTC_TR = 0; // 00:00:00 RTC_DR = // friday, 01.01.16 (1 << RTC_DR_YT_SHIFT) | (6 << RTC_DR_YU_SHIFT) | (5 << RTC_DR_WDU_SHIFT) | (0 << RTC_DR_MT_SHIFT) | (1 << RTC_DR_MU_SHIFT) | (0 << RTC_DR_DT_SHIFT) | (1 << RTC_DR_DU_SHIFT); // disable Alarm A RTC_CR &= ~RTC_CR_ALRAE; // wait until register is writeable while((RTC_ISR & RTC_ISR_ALRAWF) != RTC_ISR_ALRAWF) { // do nothing } tmp |= (duration_secs % 10) << RTC_ALRMXR_SU_SHIFT; duration_secs /= 10; tmp |= (duration_secs % 6) << RTC_ALRMXR_ST_SHIFT; duration_secs /= 6; tmp |= (duration_secs % 10) << RTC_ALRMXR_MNU_SHIFT; duration_secs /= 10; tmp |= (duration_secs % 6) << RTC_ALRMXR_MNT_SHIFT; duration_secs /= 6; tmp |= (duration_secs % 10) << RTC_ALRMXR_HU_SHIFT; duration_secs /= 10; tmp |= (duration_secs % 2) << RTC_ALRMXR_HT_SHIFT; // FIXME: >1d is not supported tmp |= RTC_ALRMXR_MSK4; // ignore day/date // set alarm register RTC_ALRMAR = tmp; // clear Alarm A flag RTC_ISR &= ~RTC_ISR_ALRAF; // enable RTC alarm interrupt for wakeup RTC_CR |= RTC_CR_ALRAE | RTC_CR_ALRAIE; // leave initialization mode RTC_ISR &= ~RTC_ISR_INIT; // lock registers again (using invalid key) lock_rtc_access(); // enter deep sleep mode SCB_SCR |= SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP; PWR_CR |= PWR_CR_LPDS; // voltage regulator low-power mode pwr_set_stop_mode(); __WFI(); SCB_SCR &= ~SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP; // no deepsleep except in this function init_clock(); } #if 0 /* Set up timer to fire freq times per second */ static void init_systick(int freq) { systick_set_clocksource(STK_CSR_CLKSOURCE_AHB); /* clear counter so it starts right away */ STK_CVR = 0; systick_set_reload(rcc_ahb_frequency / freq); systick_counter_enable(); systick_interrupt_enable(); } #endif /* Temperature sensor calibration value address */ #define TEMP110_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7C2)) #define TEMP30_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7B8)) #define VDD_CALIB ((uint16_t) (330)) /* calibration voltage = 3,30V - DO NOT CHANGE */ #define VDD_APPLI ((uint16_t) (330)) /* actual supply voltage */ /* function for temperature conversion */ static fxp_t calc_temperature(uint16_t adc_val) { fxp_t temperature = fxp_from_int( ((int32_t)adc_val * VDD_APPLI / VDD_CALIB) - (int32_t)*TEMP30_CAL_ADDR); temperature = fxp_mult(temperature, fxp_from_int(110 - 30)); temperature = fxp_div(temperature, fxp_from_int(*TEMP110_CAL_ADDR - *TEMP30_CAL_ADDR)); return fxp_add(temperature, fxp_from_int(30)); } struct PowerState { fxp_t vin, vin_avg; fxp_t vout, vout_avg; fxp_t current, current_avg; fxp_t temp, temp_avg; // junction temperature fxp_t power_avg; }; static void report_status(struct PowerState *power_state, int32_t pwm, enum OperState operState) { char number[FXP_STR_MAXLEN]; debug_send_string("DATA:"); fxp_format(power_state->vin_avg, number, 3); debug_send_string(number); debug_send_string(":"); fxp_format(power_state->vout_avg, number, 3); debug_send_string(number); debug_send_string(":"); fxp_format(power_state->current_avg, number, 3); debug_send_string(number); debug_send_string(":"); fxp_format_int(pwm, number); debug_send_string(number); debug_send_string(":"); fxp_format_int((int32_t)operState, number); debug_send_string(number); debug_send_string(":"); fxp_format(power_state->temp_avg, number, 1); debug_send_string(number); debug_send_string("\r\n"); } fxp_t MPP_MAX_POWER_CHANGE_FACTOR; struct MPPState { int32_t testIdx; /* -1, if test requested, 0..MPP_TEST_STEPS-1 if running, >=MPP_TEST_STEPS if finished */ uint32_t nextTestStepTime; fxp_t refPower; int32_t refPWM; fxp_t maxPower; int32_t maxPWM; fxp_t powerAccu; int32_t powerSamples; int32_t mppMaxPWM; }; #define MPP_TEST_IGNORE_DURATION 5 /* ms */ #define MPP_TEST_ACCU_DURATION 20 /* ms */ #define MPP_TEST_DURATION (MPP_TEST_IGNORE_DURATION + MPP_TEST_ACCU_DURATION) #define MPP_TEST_STEPS 6 const int32_t mpp_pwm_offsets[MPP_TEST_STEPS] = {-3, 4, -16, 15}; static void mpp_run( uint32_t time_in_state, struct MPPState *mpp_state, struct PowerState *power_state, int32_t *pwm) { fxp_t power_change; fxp_t power_change_factor; if(mpp_state->testIdx == -1) { /* initiate new test */ mpp_state->refPower = power_state->power_avg; mpp_state->nextTestStepTime = time_in_state + MPP_TEST_DURATION; /* time to give averagers to settle */ mpp_state->testIdx = 0; mpp_state->refPWM = *pwm; mpp_state->maxPower = 0; mpp_state->maxPWM = *pwm; mpp_state->powerAccu = 0; mpp_state->powerSamples = 0; *pwm = *pwm + mpp_pwm_offsets[0]; } else if(mpp_state->testIdx < MPP_TEST_STEPS) { /* test running */ /* accumulation */ if(time_in_state > (mpp_state->nextTestStepTime - MPP_TEST_ACCU_DURATION)) { mpp_state->powerAccu = fxp_add(mpp_state->powerAccu, fxp_mult(power_state->vout, power_state->current)); mpp_state->powerSamples++; } if(time_in_state > mpp_state->nextTestStepTime) { /* averaging */ mpp_state->powerAccu = fxp_div(mpp_state->powerAccu, fxp_from_int(mpp_state->powerSamples)); #ifdef DEBUG char msg[16]; debug_send_string("Accu: "); fxp_format(mpp_state->powerAccu, msg, 3); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" "); fxp_format_int(mpp_state->powerSamples, msg); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" PWM: "); fxp_format_int(*pwm, msg); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" Idx: "); fxp_format_int(mpp_state->testIdx, msg); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string("\r\n"); #endif if(mpp_state->powerAccu > mpp_state->maxPower) { mpp_state->maxPower = mpp_state->powerAccu; mpp_state->maxPWM = *pwm; } mpp_state->testIdx++; if(mpp_state->testIdx < MPP_TEST_STEPS) { *pwm = mpp_state->refPWM + mpp_pwm_offsets[mpp_state->testIdx]; mpp_state->nextTestStepTime = time_in_state + MPP_TEST_DURATION; mpp_state->powerAccu = 0; mpp_state->powerSamples = 0; } } } else if(mpp_state->testIdx == MPP_TEST_STEPS) { /* finalize test */ if(mpp_state->maxPower > mpp_state->refPower) { mpp_state->refPower = mpp_state->maxPower; *pwm = mpp_state->maxPWM; /* test again after a short time */ mpp_state->testIdx++; mpp_state->nextTestStepTime = time_in_state + 250; } else { /* We were already at the maximum power point */ *pwm = mpp_state->refPWM; /* test again after some time */ mpp_state->testIdx++; mpp_state->nextTestStepTime = time_in_state + 20000; } } else { /* no test active, just holding PWM */ /* initiate new test after defined time */ if(time_in_state > mpp_state->nextTestStepTime) { mpp_state->testIdx = -1; } /* initiate new test if power changes too much */ power_change = fxp_abs(fxp_sub(mpp_state->refPower, power_state->power_avg)); power_change_factor = fxp_div(power_change, mpp_state->refPower); if(power_change_factor > MPP_MAX_POWER_CHANGE_FACTOR) { mpp_state->testIdx = -1; } } } static void load_on(void) { gpio_set(GPIOA, GPIO15); } static void load_off(void) { gpio_clear(GPIOA, GPIO15); } int main(void) { //uint32_t cpuload = 0; uint64_t timebase_ms = 0; uint32_t time_in_state = 0; char msg[128]; char number[FXP_STR_MAXLEN]; uint8_t sentSomething = 0; uint8_t loadInitialized = 0; int32_t pwm = 0; enum OperState operState = Bootstrap; enum OperState nextState = ConvConstVoltage; enum OperState lastState = operState; struct PowerState power_state; struct MPPState mpp_state; fxp_t pErr = 0, iErr = 0; fxp_t controlAction = 0; uint32_t sleep_time = 10; uint64_t force_display_update_time = 1000; fxp_t PGAIN_CV = fxp_from_float( 2000.000f); fxp_t IGAIN_CV = fxp_from_float( 1.000f); fxp_t IERR_LIMIT = fxp_from_int(1000); fxp_t PGAIN_CC = fxp_from_float(500.000f); fxp_t IGAIN_CC = fxp_from_float( 1.000f); fxp_t CURRENT_THRESHOLD = fxp_from_float(0.001f); fxp_t AVG_FACT = fxp_from_float(0.01f); fxp_t AVG_FACT_INV = fxp_sub(fxp_from_int(1), AVG_FACT); fxp_t MAX_VOLTAGE = fxp_from_float(14.400f); fxp_t CONST_VOLTAGE = fxp_from_float(13.800f); fxp_t MAX_CURRENT = fxp_from_float( 5.000f); fxp_t MPP_VOLTAGE_THR = fxp_sub(CONST_VOLTAGE, fxp_from_float(0.500f)); fxp_t MPP_CURRENT_THR = fxp_sub(MAX_CURRENT, fxp_from_float(0.500f)); // input voltage must exceed output voltage by this value to leave idle mode fxp_t WAKEUP_OFFSET_VOLTAGE = fxp_from_float(1.0f); // switch off load below LOAD_OFF_THRESHOLD to protect the battery; when the // battery recovers above LOAD_ON_THRESHOLD the load is switched on again. // // If the battery voltage is below LOAD_LOW_VOLTAGE_THRESHOLD, the battery // voltage is monitored more closely during idle mode. fxp_t LOAD_ON_THRESHOLD = fxp_from_float(13.000f); fxp_t LOAD_OFF_THRESHOLD = fxp_from_float(11.200f); fxp_t LOAD_LOW_VOLTAGE_THRESHOLD = fxp_from_float(11.600f); // Calculated values //fxp_t VIN_SCALE = fxp_from_float(3.3f * (100 + 10.0f) / 10.0f / 4095.0f); //fxp_t VOUT_SCALE = fxp_from_float(3.3f * (100 + 12.0f) / 12.0f / 4095.0f); // Calibrated from measurements fxp_t VIN_SCALE = fxp_from_float(36.41f / 4096.0f); fxp_t VOUT_SCALE = fxp_from_float(30.87f / 4096.0f); // current = adc • 0.00166 + -0.0725 = adc • m + t fxp_t ADC2CURRENT_M = fxp_from_float( 0.00166f); fxp_t ADC2CURRENT_T = fxp_from_float(-0.07250f); /* if power changes by more than this factor, MPP is tested again */ MPP_MAX_POWER_CHANGE_FACTOR = fxp_from_float(0.2f); /* initalize power_state */ power_state.vin_avg = 0; power_state.vout_avg = 0; power_state.current_avg = 0; power_state.power_avg = 0; power_state.temp_avg = fxp_from_int(-999); mpp_state.mppMaxPWM = CONV_PWM_MAX; /* initialize mpp_state */ mpp_state.maxPWM = CONV_PWM_MAX; mpp_state.refPWM = CONV_PWM_MAX; init_clock(); init_rtc(); init_gpio(); init_adc(); init_timer(); lcd_init(); debug_init(); debug_send_string("Init complete\r\n"); //init_systick(1000); // triggered every 1 ms while (1) { if(timebase_ms == 900) { adc_power_off(ADC1); adc_calibrate(ADC1); adc_power_on(ADC1); } // let the ADC+DMA do its work adc_start_conversion_regular(ADC1); // *** Do some calculations while ADC converts *** if(lcd_setup()) { lcd_process(); if(timebase_ms == force_display_update_time) { lcd_set_cursor_pos(1, 0); fxp_format(power_state.vin_avg, number, 1); fxp_right_align(number, msg, 4, ' '); lcd_send_string("I:"); lcd_send_string(msg); lcd_send_string("V "); fxp_format(power_state.vout_avg, number, 2); fxp_right_align(number, msg, 5, ' '); lcd_send_string("O:"); lcd_send_string(msg); lcd_send_string("V "); lcd_set_cursor_pos(0, 0); fxp_format(power_state.temp_avg, number, 1); fxp_right_align(number, msg, 4, ' '); lcd_send_string(msg); lcd_send_string("C"); lcd_set_cursor_pos(0, 10); fxp_format(power_state.power_avg, number, 2); fxp_right_align(number, msg, 5, ' '); lcd_send_string(msg); lcd_send_string("W"); force_display_update_time += 500; } } // wait for DMA transfer to complete while(!dma_get_interrupt_flag(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, DMA_TCIF) && wait_frame); dma_clear_interrupt_flags(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL1, DMA_TCIF); if(timebase_ms % 250 == 0) { debug_send_string("ADC: "); for(int i = 0; i < ADC_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { fxp_format_int(adc_values[i], msg); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" "); } debug_send_string("\r\n"); } // convert read values power_state.vin = fxp_mult(fxp_from_int(adc_values[0]), VIN_SCALE); power_state.vout = fxp_mult(fxp_from_int(adc_values[1]), VOUT_SCALE); if(adc_values[2] <= ADC_VALUE_AT_ZERO_CURRENT+3) { power_state.current = 0; } else { // current = adc • m + t power_state.current = fxp_add(fxp_mult(fxp_from_int(adc_values[2]), ADC2CURRENT_M), ADC2CURRENT_T); } power_state.temp = calc_temperature(adc_values[3]); power_state.vin_avg = fxp_add(fxp_mult(power_state.vin, AVG_FACT), fxp_mult(power_state.vin_avg, AVG_FACT_INV)); power_state.vout_avg = fxp_add(fxp_mult(power_state.vout, AVG_FACT), fxp_mult(power_state.vout_avg, AVG_FACT_INV)); power_state.current_avg = fxp_add(fxp_mult(power_state.current, AVG_FACT), fxp_mult(power_state.current_avg, AVG_FACT_INV)); power_state.temp_avg = fxp_add(fxp_mult(power_state.temp, AVG_FACT), fxp_mult(power_state.temp_avg, AVG_FACT_INV)); power_state.power_avg = fxp_mult(power_state.vout_avg, power_state.current_avg); // load management if(timebase_ms >= 100) { if(!loadInitialized && power_state.vout_avg > LOAD_OFF_THRESHOLD) { load_on(); loadInitialized = 1; } if(loadInitialized) { if(power_state.vout_avg < LOAD_OFF_THRESHOLD) { load_off(); } else if(power_state.vout_avg > LOAD_ON_THRESHOLD) { load_on(); } /* else current state is kept */ } } // Main FSM if(timebase_ms >= 1000) { switch(operState) { case Bootstrap: // disable converter // enable bootstrap pulse with very low duty cycle timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, 0); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, 24); if(time_in_state >= 10) { // bootstrap duration in ms //iErr = 0; operState = nextState; } break; case ConvConstVoltage: // bootstrap off timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, 0); // calculate error values pErr = fxp_sub(CONST_VOLTAGE, power_state.vout_avg); iErr = fxp_add(iErr, pErr); // limit integral error range if (iErr > IERR_LIMIT) iErr = IERR_LIMIT; else if(iErr < -IERR_LIMIT) iErr = -IERR_LIMIT; // calculate the controller output ("action") controlAction = fxp_add( fxp_mult(pErr, PGAIN_CV), fxp_mult(iErr, IGAIN_CV)); pwm = fxp_to_int(controlAction); if(pwm > CONV_PWM_MAX) { pwm = CONV_PWM_MAX; } else if(pwm < 0) { pwm = 0; } timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, pwm); #ifdef DEBUG if((time_in_state % 100) == 0) { debug_send_string("pErr: "); fxp_format(pErr, msg, 3); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" iErr: "); fxp_format(iErr, msg, 3); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" controlAction: "); fxp_format(controlAction, msg, 3); debug_send_string(msg); sentSomething = 1; } #endif if(time_in_state > 5000 && fxp_to_int(controlAction) > CONV_PWM_MAX && power_state.current_avg < CURRENT_THRESHOLD) { operState = Bootstrap; nextState = ConvConstVoltage; } if(time_in_state > 1000 && power_state.vout_avg < MPP_VOLTAGE_THR) { operState = ConvMPP; } if(power_state.current_avg > MAX_CURRENT) { operState = ConvConstCurrent; } if(power_state.vin_avg < power_state.vout_avg) { operState = Idle; } break; case ConvConstCurrent: if(time_in_state == 0) { iErr = 0; } // bootstrap off timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, 0); // calculate error values pErr = fxp_sub(MAX_CURRENT, power_state.current_avg); iErr = fxp_add(iErr, pErr); // limit integral error range if (iErr > IERR_LIMIT) iErr = IERR_LIMIT; else if(iErr < -IERR_LIMIT) iErr = -IERR_LIMIT; // calculate the controller output ("action") controlAction = fxp_add( fxp_mult(pErr, PGAIN_CC), fxp_mult(iErr, IGAIN_CC)); pwm = fxp_to_int(controlAction); if(pwm > CONV_PWM_MAX) { pwm = CONV_PWM_MAX; } else if(pwm < 0) { pwm = 0; } timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, pwm); if(time_in_state > 5000 && pwm > CONV_PWM_MAX && power_state.current_avg < CURRENT_THRESHOLD) { operState = Bootstrap; nextState = ConvConstCurrent; } if(time_in_state > 1000 && power_state.current_avg < MPP_CURRENT_THR) { operState = ConvMPP; } if(power_state.vout_avg > MAX_VOLTAGE) { operState = ConvConstVoltage; } break; case ConvMPP: // bootstrap off timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, 0); mpp_run(time_in_state, &mpp_state, &power_state, &pwm); if(pwm > mpp_state.mppMaxPWM) { pwm = mpp_state.mppMaxPWM; } else if(pwm < CONV_PWM_PERIOD/100) { pwm = CONV_PWM_PERIOD/100; } timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, pwm); if((mpp_state.mppMaxPWM < CONV_PWM_MAX) && time_in_state > 5000 && ((time_in_state % 3000) == 10)) { mpp_state.mppMaxPWM++; } if(time_in_state > 5000 && power_state.current_avg < CURRENT_THRESHOLD) { operState = Bootstrap; nextState = ConvMPP; mpp_state.testIdx = -1; if(mpp_state.mppMaxPWM > CONV_PWM_MAX/50) { mpp_state.mppMaxPWM -= 10; } else { // limit has gone too low -> retry at maximum mpp_state.mppMaxPWM = CONV_PWM_MAX; } pwm = mpp_state.mppMaxPWM; } if(power_state.vout_avg > MAX_VOLTAGE) { operState = ConvConstVoltage; } if(power_state.current_avg > MAX_CURRENT) { operState = ConvConstCurrent; } if(power_state.vin_avg < power_state.vout_avg) { operState = Idle; mpp_state.mppMaxPWM = CONV_PWM_MAX; } #ifdef DEBUG if((time_in_state % 100) == 0) { debug_send_string("PWM: "); fxp_format_int(pwm, msg); debug_send_string(msg); debug_send_string(" Limit: "); fxp_format_int(mpp_state.mppMaxPWM, msg); debug_send_string(msg); sentSomething = 1; } #endif break; case Idle: // disable all PWMs timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_CONV, 0); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_CH_BOOTSTRAP, 0); if(time_in_state > 1000 && power_state.vin_avg > fxp_add(power_state.vout_avg, WAKEUP_OFFSET_VOLTAGE)) { sleep_time = 10; operState = Bootstrap; nextState = ConvMPP; } if(time_in_state > 10000) { // not enough power for too long -> put system to deep sleep lcd_set_cursor_pos(0, 0); lcd_send_string("Sleep("); fxp_format_int(sleep_time, msg); lcd_send_string(msg); lcd_send_string(") "); while(lcd_process() == 0); // send everything immediately #ifndef DEBUG deepsleep(sleep_time); // Woke up again. lcd_set_cursor_pos(0, 0); lcd_send_string(" "); time_in_state = 9900; // run the voltage test again #else time_in_state = 0; #endif sleep_time *= 2; if(power_state.vout_avg > LOAD_LOW_VOLTAGE_THRESHOLD) { if(sleep_time > MAX_SLEEP_TIME) { sleep_time = MAX_SLEEP_TIME; } } else { if(sleep_time > MAX_SLEEP_TIME_LOW_VOLTAGE) { sleep_time = MAX_SLEEP_TIME_LOW_VOLTAGE; } } force_display_update_time = timebase_ms + 10; } break; default: debug_send_string("Invalid state detected!"); sentSomething = 1; operState = Idle; break; } if(operState != lastState) { time_in_state = 0; lastState = operState; lcd_set_cursor_pos(0, 6); switch(operState) { case Idle: lcd_send_string("IDL"); break; case Bootstrap: lcd_send_string("BTS"); break; case ConvConstCurrent: lcd_send_string("CC "); break; case ConvConstVoltage: lcd_send_string("CV "); break; case ConvMPP: lcd_send_string("MPP"); break; default: lcd_send_string("???"); break; } } else { time_in_state++; } } if(sentSomething) { debug_send_string("\r\n"); sentSomething = 0; } if((timebase_ms % 1000) == 490) { report_status(&power_state, pwm, operState); } /* if((timebase_ms % 1000) == 10) { cpuload /= 1000; // use CPU load values here cpuload = 0; } // cpu load = timer1 value after main loop operations cpuload += timer_get_counter(TIM3); */ timebase_ms++; while(wait_frame) { __WFI(); } wait_frame = 1; } return 0; } /* Called when systick fires */ void sys_tick_handler(void) { wait_frame = 0; } void tim3_isr(void) { // check for update interrupt if(timer_interrupt_source(TIM3, TIM_SR_UIF)) { wait_frame = 0; timer_clear_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_UIF); } } void rtc_isr(void) { exti_reset_request(EXTI17); } void hard_fault_handler(void) { while (1); }