#!/usr/bin/env python3 from PIL import Image import sys if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("usage: {} ") exit(1) inputfile = sys.argv[1] charfile = sys.argv[2] outputfile = sys.argv[3] im = Image.open(inputfile) cols, rows = im.size offset = 4 # hardcoded 'space' startpos = offset fixedwidth = 9 charpos = [0] # hardcoded 'space' chardata = [0x00] * offset # hardcoded 'space' charwidth = [offset] # hardcoded 'space' for col in range(cols): coldata = 0 for row in range(rows): px = 0 if im.getpixel( (col, row) ) else 1 coldata |= (px << row) print("{:016b}".format(coldata)) width = offset - startpos chardata.append(coldata) if width == fixedwidth: charpos.append(startpos) charwidth.append(width) startpos = offset else: offset += 1 dataarray = ", ".join([hex(n) for n in chardata]) posarray = ", ".join([str(n) for n in charpos]) widtharray = ", ".join([str(n) for n in charwidth]) asciimap = [0 for i in range(256)] with open(charfile, "r") as cfile: s = " " + cfile.read().strip() for i in range(len(s)): asciimap[ord(s[i])] = i asciimaparray = ", ".join([str(n) for n in asciimap]) with open(outputfile, "w") as ofile: ofile.write(""" #include "font16_data.h" const uint16_t font_data[{}] = {{ {} }}; const uint16_t font_pos[{}] = {{ {} }}; const uint8_t font_width[{}] = {{ {} }}; const uint8_t font_lut[256] = {{ {} }}; const uint8_t font_height = {}; """.format(len(chardata), dataarray, len(charpos), posarray, len(charwidth), widtharray, asciimaparray, rows))