#include #include #include #include #include "UpdateServer.h" UpdateServer::UpdateServer(const std::string &pw) : m_cr(pw) {} void UpdateServer::start(void) { xTaskCreate( updateTask, /* Task function. */ "Update Task", /* name of task. */ 10000, /* Stack size of task */ this, /* parameter of the task */ 2, /* priority of the task */ NULL); /* Task handle to keep track of created task */ } static void sendMessage(WiFiClient *client, bool success, const char *message) { uint32_t len = htobe32(strlen(message) + 1); uint8_t status = success ? 1 : 0; client->write(reinterpret_cast(&len), sizeof(len)); client->write(status); client->write(message); } static bool read_n(WiFiClient *client, char *buf, size_t n) { size_t nread = 0; while(client->connected() && (nread < n)) { if(client->available()) { size_t rcvd = client->readBytes(buf + nread, n - nread); nread += rcvd; Serial.print("Received "); Serial.print(rcvd); Serial.print(" bytes ("); Serial.print(nread); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(n); Serial.println(" total)"); } delay(1); // allow other tasks to run during data reception } return nread == n; } void UpdateServer::updateTask(void *arg) { UpdateServer *obj = reinterpret_cast(arg); WiFiServer server; server.begin(31337); while(true) { WiFiClient client = server.available(); if(client) { Serial.println("Update client connected."); // client connected. Send the challenge uint32_t len = htobe32(4); client.write(reinterpret_cast(&len), sizeof(len)); uint32_t nonce = htobe32(obj->m_cr.nonce()); client.write(reinterpret_cast(&nonce), sizeof(nonce)); // wait for the response if(!read_n(&client, reinterpret_cast(&len), sizeof(len))) { Serial.println("Read from update client (response length) failed."); client.stop(); continue; } // check length of the response len = be32toh(len); if(len != 64) { Serial.println("Invalid length of response."); sendMessage(&client, false, "Invalid response length."); client.stop(); continue; } // read response char response[65]; if(!read_n(&client, response, 64)) { Serial.println("Read from update client (response) failed."); client.stop(); continue; } response[64] = '\0'; if(!obj->m_cr.verify(response)) { Serial.println("Client failed authentication."); sendMessage(&client, false, "Invalid response."); client.stop(); continue; } Serial.println("Client authenticated."); // successful authentication sendMessage(&client, true, "OK"); // read length of the actual update data if(!read_n(&client, reinterpret_cast(&len), sizeof(len))) { Serial.println("Read from update client (update data length) failed."); client.stop(); continue; } len = be32toh(len); if(len <= 1) { Serial.println("Update message too small (expected >= 2 byte)"); sendMessage(&client, false, "Update message too small (expected >= 2 byte)."); client.stop(); continue; } len -= 1; // remove the previously read byte for type // read update type uint8_t update_type; if(!read_n(&client, reinterpret_cast(&update_type), sizeof(update_type))) { Serial.println("Read from update client (update type) failed."); client.stop(); continue; } // translate to internal value int update_command; switch(update_type) { case UT_FLASH: update_command = U_FLASH; break; case UT_SPIFFS: update_command = U_SPIFFS; break; default: Serial.println("Invalid update type."); sendMessage(&client, false, "Invalid update type"); client.stop(); continue; } Serial.print("Update size: "); Serial.print(len); Serial.println(" Byte"); if(!Update.begin(len, update_command)) { Serial.println("Cannot start update."); sendMessage(&client, false, "Update failed."); client.stop(); continue; } uint32_t bytes_processed = 0; uint8_t buf[1024]; while(bytes_processed < len) { if(!client.connected()) { Serial.println("Connection lost, update aborted."); Update.abort(); break; } if(client.available()) { size_t bytes_read = client.read(buf, 1024); Update.write(buf, bytes_read); bytes_processed += bytes_read; } delay(1); } // all data processed? if(Update.end()) { // successful update! Serial.println("Update successful! Will reboot in 3 seconds."); sendMessage(&client, true, "OK"); delay(3000); ESP.restart(); } else { // update failed Serial.println("Update failed on final check."); sendMessage(&client, false, "Update failed."); } client.stop(); } delay(100); } }