/* * vim: sw=2 ts=2 expandtab * * "THE PIZZA-WARE LICENSE" (derived from "THE BEER-WARE LICENCE"): * Thomas Kolb wrote this file. As long as you retain this * notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, * and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a pizza in return. * - Thomas Kolb */ #include #include #include #include #include "logger.h" // define constants const char *LOGGER_STR_FATAL = "FATAL"; const char *LOGGER_STR_ERR = "ERROR"; const char *LOGGER_STR_WARN = "WARN "; const char *LOGGER_STR_INFO = "INFO "; const char *LOGGER_STR_DEBUG = "DEBUG"; const char *LOGGER_STR_DUMP = "DUMP "; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_FATAL = "\033[1;31m"; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_ERR = "\033[1;31m"; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_WARN = "\033[1;33m"; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_INFO = "\033[1;32m"; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_DEBUG = "\033[1m"; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_DUMP = "\033[1;30m"; const char *LOGGER_COLOR_NONE = "\033[0m"; // global variables sem_t logger_semaphore; int logger_verbosity; int logger_use_colors; void logger_init(void) { // Initialize the semaphore sem_init(&logger_semaphore, 0, 1); logger_verbosity = 2147483647; logger_use_colors = 1; } void logger_shutdown(void) { sem_destroy(&logger_semaphore); } void logger_enable_colors(int enable) { logger_use_colors = enable; } void logger_set_verbosity(int verbosity) { logger_verbosity = verbosity; } void logger_debug_message(const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { /* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */ int n, size = 100; char *p, *np; va_list internal_ap; if ((p = (char*)malloc(size)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] FATAL: Cannot allocate string buffer while processing arguments.\n", LOGGER_STR_ERR); return; } while (1) { /* Try to print in the allocated space. */ va_copy(internal_ap, ap); n = vsnprintf(p, size, fmt, internal_ap); va_end(internal_ap); /* If that worked, return the string. */ if (n > -1 && n < size) break; /* Else try again with more space. */ if (n > -1) /* glibc 2.1 */ size = n+1; /* precisely what is needed */ else /* glibc 2.0 */ size *= 2; /* twice the old size */ if ((np = (char*)realloc (p, size)) == NULL) { free(p); fprintf(stderr, "[%s] FATAL: Cannot reallocate string buffer while processing arguments.\n", LOGGER_STR_ERR); return; } else { p = np; } } sem_wait(&logger_semaphore); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", prefix, p); sem_post(&logger_semaphore); free(p); } void logger_log(int level, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char timebuf[32]; char timebuf2[32]; char prefixbuf[64]; const char *prefixcolor = "", *prefixtext = ""; if(level > logger_verbosity) return; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(timebuf, 32, "%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S.%%03d", localtime(&(tv.tv_sec))); snprintf(timebuf2, 32, timebuf, tv.tv_usec/1000); if(level >= LVL_DUMP) { if(logger_use_colors) prefixcolor = LOGGER_COLOR_DUMP; prefixtext = LOGGER_STR_DUMP; } else if(level >= LVL_DEBUG) { if(logger_use_colors) prefixcolor = LOGGER_COLOR_DEBUG; prefixtext = LOGGER_STR_DEBUG; } else if(level >= LVL_INFO) { if(logger_use_colors) prefixcolor = LOGGER_COLOR_INFO; prefixtext = LOGGER_STR_INFO; } else if(level >= LVL_WARN) { if(logger_use_colors) prefixcolor = LOGGER_COLOR_WARN; prefixtext = LOGGER_STR_WARN; } else if(level >= LVL_ERR) { if(logger_use_colors) prefixcolor = LOGGER_COLOR_ERR; prefixtext = LOGGER_STR_ERR; } else { if(logger_use_colors) prefixcolor = LOGGER_COLOR_FATAL; prefixtext = LOGGER_STR_FATAL; } if(logger_use_colors) { sprintf(prefixbuf, "%s [%s%s%s]", timebuf2, prefixcolor, prefixtext, LOGGER_COLOR_NONE); } else { sprintf(prefixbuf, "%s [%s]", timebuf2, prefixtext); } va_start(argptr, format); logger_debug_message(prefixbuf, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); }