/* * vim: sw=2 ts=2 expandtab * * THE PIZZA-WARE LICENSE" (derived from "THE BEER-WARE LICENCE"): * wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can * do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a pizza in return. - Thomas Kolb */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fft.h" #include "utils.h" #include "ws2801.h" #include "config.h" // Frames per second #define FPS ((value_type)BUFFER_PARTS * SAMPLE_RATE / BLOCK_LEN) // Number of new samples put into the buffer each frame #define READ_SAMPLES (BLOCK_LEN / BUFFER_PARTS) #define COLORBUF_SIZE (2*(NUM_MODULES+1)) #define CENTER_POS (2*CENTER_MODULE) value_type fft[BLOCK_LEN]; value_type rms; value_type redEnergy, greenEnergy, blueEnergy; value_type lastUpdateTime = 0; sem_t fftSemaphore; int running = 1; void* fft_thread(void *param) { sample buffer[BLOCK_LEN]; sample block[BLOCK_LEN]; value_type fftOutReal[BLOCK_LEN], fftOutImag[BLOCK_LEN]; value_type tmpFFT[BLOCK_LEN]; value_type tmpRMS; double nextFrame = get_hires_time() + 0.05; double curTime; int i; init_fft(); while(running) { // shift the buffer left memmove(buffer, buffer + READ_SAMPLES, (BLOCK_LEN - READ_SAMPLES) * sizeof(sample)); size_t ret = fread(buffer + (BLOCK_LEN - READ_SAMPLES), sizeof(sample), READ_SAMPLES, stdin); if(ret != READ_SAMPLES) { break; } memcpy(block, buffer, BLOCK_LEN * sizeof(sample)); apply_hanning(block); fft_transform(block, fftOutReal, fftOutImag); complex_to_absolute(fftOutReal, fftOutImag, tmpFFT); tmpRMS = 0; for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN; i++) { tmpRMS += block[i]*block[i]; } tmpRMS = sqrt(tmpRMS/BLOCK_LEN); // --- SAFE SECTION --- sem_wait(&fftSemaphore); memcpy(fft, tmpFFT, sizeof(fft)); rms = tmpRMS; redEnergy = get_energy_in_band(fft, RED_MIN_FREQ, RED_MAX_FREQ); greenEnergy = get_energy_in_band(fft, GREEN_MIN_FREQ, GREEN_MAX_FREQ); blueEnergy = get_energy_in_band(fft, BLUE_MIN_FREQ, BLUE_MAX_FREQ); curTime = get_hires_time(); lastUpdateTime = curTime; sem_post(&fftSemaphore); // --- END SAFE SECTION --- if(curTime > nextFrame + 0.05) { printf("Frame too late! Skipping.\n"); nextFrame = -1; } if(curTime < nextFrame - 0.05) { printf("Frame too early.\n"); nextFrame = -1; } if(nextFrame < 0) { printf("Frame time reset.\n"); nextFrame = curTime; } nextFrame += 1.000/FPS; sleep_until(nextFrame); } return NULL; } value_type gamma_correct(value_type d) { return pow(d, GAMMA); } void text_bar(value_type fill) { int fillCnt = 10 * fill; int i; for(i = 0; i < fillCnt; i++) { printf("|"); } for(; i < 10; i++) { printf("-"); } } value_type weighted_avg(uint8_t colorBuf[COLORBUF_SIZE][3], int channel, int centerPos) { return 0.20 * colorBuf[centerPos - 1][channel] + 0.60 * colorBuf[centerPos][channel] + 0.20 * colorBuf[centerPos + 1][channel]; } void show_status(value_type curRed, value_type maxRed, value_type curGreen, value_type maxGreen, value_type curBlue, value_type maxBlue) { printf("\r"); printf("[\033[31m"); text_bar(curRed / maxRed); printf("\033[0m] "); printf("\033[1;31m%7.2e\033[0m ", maxRed / (RED_MAX_FREQ - RED_MIN_FREQ)); printf("[\033[32m"); text_bar(curGreen / maxGreen); printf("\033[0m] "); printf("\033[1;32m%7.2e\033[0m ", maxGreen / (GREEN_MAX_FREQ - GREEN_MIN_FREQ)); printf("[\033[34m"); text_bar(curBlue / maxBlue); printf("\033[0m] "); printf("\033[1;34m%7.2e\033[0m ", maxBlue / (BLUE_MAX_FREQ - BLUE_MIN_FREQ)); fflush(stdout); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { double nextFrame = get_hires_time() + LED_INTERVAL; int i, j; pthread_t fftThread; int active = 1; uint8_t colorBuf[COLORBUF_SIZE][3]; value_type curRedEnergy, curGreenEnergy, curBlueEnergy; value_type maxRedEnergy = 1, maxGreenEnergy = 1, maxBlueEnergy = 1; memset(colorBuf, 0, sizeof(colorBuf)); // create semaphores sem_init(&fftSemaphore, 0, 1); // run the fft thread pthread_create(&fftThread, NULL, fft_thread, NULL); ws2801_init(HOST, PORT); while(running) { for(i = COLORBUF_SIZE-1; i >= 0; i--) { int pos = CENTER_POS + i; if(pos < COLORBUF_SIZE-1) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { colorBuf[pos][j] = colorBuf[pos - 1][j]; } } pos = CENTER_POS - i; if(pos >= 0) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { colorBuf[pos][j] = colorBuf[pos + 1][j]; } } } if(active) { sem_wait(&fftSemaphore); curRedEnergy = redEnergy; curGreenEnergy = greenEnergy; curBlueEnergy = blueEnergy; sem_post(&fftSemaphore); maxRedEnergy *= COLOR_MAX_REDUCTION_FACTOR; if(curRedEnergy > maxRedEnergy) { maxRedEnergy = curRedEnergy; } maxGreenEnergy *= COLOR_MAX_REDUCTION_FACTOR; if(curGreenEnergy > maxGreenEnergy) { maxGreenEnergy = curGreenEnergy; } maxBlueEnergy *= COLOR_MAX_REDUCTION_FACTOR; if(curBlueEnergy > maxBlueEnergy) { maxBlueEnergy = curBlueEnergy; } colorBuf[CENTER_POS][0] = 255 * gamma_correct(curRedEnergy / maxRedEnergy); colorBuf[CENTER_POS][1] = 255 * gamma_correct(curGreenEnergy / maxGreenEnergy); colorBuf[CENTER_POS][2] = 255 * gamma_correct(curBlueEnergy / maxBlueEnergy); /* show_status(curRedEnergy, maxRedEnergy, curGreenEnergy, maxGreenEnergy, curBlueEnergy, maxBlueEnergy); */ for(i = 0; i < NUM_MODULES; i++) { ws2801_set_color(i, weighted_avg(colorBuf, 0, 2 * i + 1), weighted_avg(colorBuf, 1, 2 * i + 1), weighted_avg(colorBuf, 2, 2 * i + 1)); } ws2801_commit(); if(lastUpdateTime < nextFrame - 1) { printf("Idle for 1 second -> stopping updates.\n"); for(i = 0; i < NUM_MODULES; i++) { ws2801_fade_color(i, 20, 20, 20); } ws2801_commit(); active = 0; } } else if(lastUpdateTime > nextFrame - 1) { printf("Resuming updates.\n"); active = 1; } nextFrame += LED_INTERVAL; sleep_until(nextFrame); } ws2801_shutdown(); pthread_join(fftThread, NULL); return 0; }