#include "ws2801.h" #include "fader.h" int16_t fadestep = 1; int somethingChanged = 0; // indicates when a ws2801 update is required struct Colour { int16_t red, green, blue; // value range is 0 to 255 }; struct Colour curColour[MAX_NUM_MODULES]; struct Colour targetColour[MAX_NUM_MODULES]; void fader_init(void) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ws2801_num_modules; i++) { curColour[i].red = targetColour[i].red = 0; curColour[i].green = targetColour[i].green = 0; curColour[i].blue = targetColour[i].blue = 0; } } void fader_set_colour(uint32_t module, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { curColour[module].red = targetColour[module].red = r; curColour[module].green = targetColour[module].green = g; curColour[module].blue = targetColour[module].blue = b; somethingChanged = 1; } void fader_fade_colour(uint32_t module, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { targetColour[module].red = r; targetColour[module].green = g; targetColour[module].blue = b; } void fader_add_colour(uint32_t module, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { curColour[module].red += r; curColour[module].green += g; curColour[module].blue += b; if(curColour[module].red > 255) { curColour[module].red = 255; } if(curColour[module].green > 255) { curColour[module].green = 255; } if(curColour[module].blue > 255) { curColour[module].blue = 255; } targetColour[module].red += r; targetColour[module].green += g; targetColour[module].blue += b; if(targetColour[module].red > 255) { targetColour[module].red = 255; } if(targetColour[module].green > 255) { targetColour[module].green = 255; } if(targetColour[module].blue > 255) { targetColour[module].blue = 255; } somethingChanged = 1; } void fader_set_fadestep(uint8_t newFadestep) { fadestep = newFadestep; } /*! * Fade the colour value in cur towards target. * * \param cur The colour value to update. * \param target The target value that should be reached. * \param changed Output value which is set to 1 if cur was changed. */ static void fade_colour(int16_t *cur, const int16_t *target, int *changed) { int16_t diff; if(*cur > *target) { diff = *cur - *target; if(diff < fadestep) { *cur = *target; } else { *cur -= fadestep; } *changed = 1; } else if(*cur < *target) { diff = *target - *cur; if(diff < fadestep) { *cur = *target; } else { *cur += fadestep; } *changed = 1; } } void fader_update(void) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ws2801_num_modules; i++) { fade_colour(&(curColour[i].red), &(targetColour[i].red), &somethingChanged); fade_colour(&(curColour[i].green), &(targetColour[i].green), &somethingChanged); fade_colour(&(curColour[i].blue), &(targetColour[i].blue), &somethingChanged); ws2801_set_colour(i, (uint8_t)curColour[i].red, (uint8_t)curColour[i].green, (uint8_t)curColour[i].blue); } if(somethingChanged) { ws2801_send_update(); somethingChanged = 0; } }