Series Allocated to 2AA - 2AZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2BA - 2BZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2CA - 2CZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2DA - 2DZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2EA - 2EZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2FA - 2FZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2GA - 2GZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2HA - 2HZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2IA - 2IZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2JA - 2JZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2KA - 2KZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2LA - 2LZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2MA - 2MZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2NA - 2NZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2OA - 2OZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2PA - 2PZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2QA - 2QZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2RA - 2RZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2SA - 2SZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2TA - 2TZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2UA - 2UZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2VA - 2VZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2WA - 2WZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2XA - 2XZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2YA - 2YZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2ZA - 2ZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3AA - 3AZ Monaco (Principality of) 3BA - 3BZ Mauritius (Republic of) 3CA - 3CZ Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) 3DA - 3DM Eswatini (Kingdom of) 3DN - 3DZ Fiji (Republic of) 3EA - 3EZ Panama (Republic of) 3FA - 3FZ Panama (Republic of) 3GA - 3GZ Chile 3HA - 3HZ China (People's Republic of) 3IA - 3IZ China (People's Republic of) 3JA - 3JZ China (People's Republic of) 3KA - 3KZ China (People's Republic of) 3LA - 3LZ China (People's Republic of) 3MA - 3MZ China (People's Republic of) 3NA - 3NZ China (People's Republic of) 3OA - 3OZ China (People's Republic of) 3PA - 3PZ China (People's Republic of) 3QA - 3QZ China (People's Republic of) 3RA - 3RZ China (People's Republic of) 3SA - 3SZ China (People's Republic of) 3TA - 3TZ China (People's Republic of) 3UA - 3UZ China (People's Republic of) 3VA - 3VZ Tunisia 3WA - 3WZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 3XA - 3XZ Guinea (Republic of) 3YA - 3YZ Norway 3ZA - 3ZZ Poland (Republic of) 4AA - 4AZ Mexico 4BA - 4BZ Mexico 4CA - 4CZ Mexico 4DA - 4DZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4EA - 4EZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4FA - 4FZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4GA - 4GZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4HA - 4HZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4IA - 4IZ Philippines (Republic of the) 4JA - 4JZ Azerbaijan (Republic of) 4KA - 4KZ Azerbaijan (Republic of) 4LA - 4LZ Georgia 4MA - 4MZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 4OA - 4OZ Montenegro 4PA - 4PZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 4QA - 4QZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 4RA - 4RZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 4SA - 4SZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 4TA - 4TZ Peru 4UA - 4UZ United Nations 4VA - 4VZ Haiti (Republic of) 4WA - 4WZ Timor-Leste (Democratic Republic of) 4XA - 4XZ Israel (State of) 4YA - 4YZ International Civil Aviation Organization 4ZA - 4ZZ Israel (State of) 5AA - 5AZ Libya (State of) 5BA - 5BZ Cyprus (Republic of) 5CA - 5CZ Morocco (Kingdom of) 5DA - 5DZ Morocco (Kingdom of) 5EA - 5EZ Morocco (Kingdom of) 5FA - 5FZ Morocco (Kingdom of) 5GA - 5GZ Morocco (Kingdom of) 5HA - 5HZ Tanzania (United Republic of) 5IA - 5IZ Tanzania (United Republic of) 5JA - 5JZ Colombia (Republic of) 5KA - 5KZ Colombia (Republic of) 5LA - 5LZ Liberia (Republic of) 5MA - 5MZ Liberia (Republic of) 5NA - 5NZ Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 5OA - 5OZ Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 5PA - 5PZ Denmark 5QA - 5QZ Denmark 5RA - 5RZ Madagascar (Republic of) 5SA - 5SZ Madagascar (Republic of) 5TA - 5TZ Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) 5UA - 5UZ Niger (Republic of the) 5VA - 5VZ Togolese Republic 5WA - 5WZ Samoa (Independent State of) 5XA - 5XZ Uganda (Republic of) 5YA - 5YZ Kenya (Republic of) 5ZA - 5ZZ Kenya (Republic of) 6AA - 6AZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) 6BA - 6BZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) 6CA - 6CZ Syrian Arab Republic 6DA - 6DZ Mexico 6EA - 6EZ Mexico 6FA - 6FZ Mexico 6GA - 6GZ Mexico 6HA - 6HZ Mexico 6IA - 6IZ Mexico 6JA - 6JZ Mexico 6KA - 6KZ Korea (Republic of) 6LA - 6LZ Korea (Republic of) 6MA - 6MZ Korea (Republic of) 6NA - 6NZ Korea (Republic of) 6OA - 6OZ Somalia (Federal Republic of) 6PA - 6PZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 6QA - 6QZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 6RA - 6RZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 6SA - 6SZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 6TA - 6TZ Sudan (Republic of the) 6UA - 6UZ Sudan (Republic of the) 6VA - 6VZ Senegal (Republic of) 6WA - 6WZ Senegal (Republic of) 6XA - 6XZ Madagascar (Republic of) 6YA - 6YZ Jamaica 6ZA - 6ZZ Liberia (Republic of) 7AA - 7AZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7BA - 7BZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7CA - 7CZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7DA - 7DZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7EA - 7EZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7FA - 7FZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7GA - 7GZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7HA - 7HZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7IA - 7IZ Indonesia (Republic of) 7JA - 7JZ Japan 7KA - 7KZ Japan 7LA - 7LZ Japan 7MA - 7MZ Japan 7NA - 7NZ Japan 7OA - 7OZ Yemen (Republic of) 7PA - 7PZ Lesotho (Kingdom of) 7QA - 7QZ Malawi 7RA - 7RZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7SA - 7SZ Sweden 7TA - 7TZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7UA - 7UZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7VA - 7VZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7WA - 7WZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7XA - 7XZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7YA - 7YZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 7ZA - 7ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 8AA - 8AZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8BA - 8BZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8CA - 8CZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8DA - 8DZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8EA - 8EZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8FA - 8FZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8GA - 8GZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8HA - 8HZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8IA - 8IZ Indonesia (Republic of) 8JA - 8JZ Japan 8KA - 8KZ Japan 8LA - 8LZ Japan 8MA - 8MZ Japan 8NA - 8NZ Japan 8OA - 8OZ Botswana (Republic of) 8PA - 8PZ Barbados 8QA - 8QZ Maldives (Republic of) 8RA - 8RZ Guyana 8SA - 8SZ Sweden 8TA - 8TZ India (Republic of) 8UA - 8UZ India (Republic of) 8VA - 8VZ India (Republic of) 8WA - 8WZ India (Republic of) 8XA - 8XZ India (Republic of) 8YA - 8YZ India (Republic of) 8ZA - 8ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 9AA - 9AZ Croatia (Republic of) 9BA - 9BZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 9CA - 9CZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 9DA - 9DZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 9EA - 9EZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) 9FA - 9FZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) 9GA - 9GZ Ghana 9HA - 9HZ Malta 9IA - 9IZ Zambia (Republic of) 9JA - 9JZ Zambia (Republic of) 9KA - 9KZ Kuwait (State of) 9LA - 9LZ Sierra Leone 9MA - 9MZ Malaysia 9NA - 9NZ Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of) 9OA - 9OZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9PA - 9PZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9QA - 9QZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9RA - 9RZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9SA - 9SZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9TA - 9TZ Democratic Republic of the Congo 9UA - 9UZ Burundi (Republic of) 9VA - 9VZ Singapore (Republic of) 9WA - 9WZ Malaysia 9XA - 9XZ Rwanda (Republic of) 9YA - 9YZ Trinidad and Tobago 9ZA - 9ZZ Trinidad and Tobago A2A - A2Z Botswana (Republic of) A3A - A3Z Tonga (Kingdom of) A4A - A4Z Oman (Sultanate of) A5A - A5Z Bhutan (Kingdom of) A6A - A6Z United Arab Emirates A7A - A7Z Qatar (State of) A8A - A8Z Liberia (Republic of) A9A - A9Z Bahrain (Kingdom of) AAA - AAZ United States of America ABA - ABZ United States of America ACA - ACZ United States of America ADA - ADZ United States of America AEA - AEZ United States of America AFA - AFZ United States of America AGA - AGZ United States of America AHA - AHZ United States of America AIA - AIZ United States of America AJA - AJZ United States of America AKA - AKZ United States of America ALA - ALZ United States of America AMA - AMZ Spain ANA - ANZ Spain AOA - AOZ Spain APA - APZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) AQA - AQZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) ARA - ARZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) ASA - ASZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) ATA - ATZ India (Republic of) AUA - AUZ India (Republic of) AVA - AVZ India (Republic of) AWA - AWZ India (Republic of) AXA - AXZ Australia AYA - AYZ Argentine Republic AZA - AZZ Argentine Republic BAA - BAZ China (People's Republic of) BBA - BBZ China (People's Republic of) BCA - BCZ China (People's Republic of) BDA - BDZ China (People's Republic of) BEA - BEZ China (People's Republic of) BFA - BFZ China (People's Republic of) BGA - BGZ China (People's Republic of) BHA - BHZ China (People's Republic of) BIA - BIZ China (People's Republic of) BJA - BJZ China (People's Republic of) BKA - BKZ China (People's Republic of) BLA - BLZ China (People's Republic of) BMA - BMZ China (People's Republic of) BNA - BNZ China (People's Republic of) BOA - BOZ China (People's Republic of) BPA - BPZ China (People's Republic of) BQA - BQZ China (People's Republic of) BRA - BRZ China (People's Republic of) BSA - BSZ China (People's Republic of) BTA - BTZ China (People's Republic of) BUA - BUZ China (People's Republic of) BVA - BVZ China (People's Republic of) BWA - BWZ China (People's Republic of) BXA - BXZ China (People's Republic of) BYA - BYZ China (People's Republic of) BZA - BZZ China (People's Republic of) C2A - C2Z Nauru (Republic of) C3A - C3Z Andorra (Principality of) C4A - C4Z Cyprus (Republic of) C5A - C5Z Gambia (Republic of the) C6A - C6Z Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) C7A - C7Z World Meteorological Organization C8A - C8Z Mozambique (Republic of) C9A - C9Z Mozambique (Republic of) CAA - CAZ Chile CBA - CBZ Chile CCA - CCZ Chile CDA - CDZ Chile CEA - CEZ Chile CFA - CFZ Canada CGA - CGZ Canada CHA - CHZ Canada CIA - CIZ Canada CJA - CJZ Canada CKA - CKZ Canada CLA - CLZ Cuba CMA - CMZ Cuba CNA - CNZ Morocco (Kingdom of) COA - COZ Cuba CPA - CPZ Bolivia (Plurinational State of) CQA - CQZ Portugal CRA - CRZ Portugal CSA - CSZ Portugal CTA - CTZ Portugal CUA - CUZ Portugal CVA - CVZ Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) CWA - CWZ Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) CXA - CXZ Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) CYA - CYZ Canada CZA - CZZ Canada D2A - D2Z Angola (Republic of) D3A - D3Z Angola (Republic of) D4A - D4Z Cabo Verde (Republic of) D5A - D5Z Liberia (Republic of) D6A - D6Z Comoros (Union of the) D7A - D7Z Korea (Republic of) D8A - D8Z Korea (Republic of) D9A - D9Z Korea (Republic of) DAA - DAZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DBA - DBZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DCA - DCZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DDA - DDZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DEA - DEZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DFA - DFZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DGA - DGZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DHA - DHZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DIA - DIZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DJA - DJZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DKA - DKZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DLA - DLZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DMA - DMZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DNA - DNZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DOA - DOZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DPA - DPZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DQA - DQZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DRA - DRZ Germany (Federal Republic of) DSA - DSZ Korea (Republic of) DTA - DTZ Korea (Republic of) DUA - DUZ Philippines (Republic of the) DVA - DVZ Philippines (Republic of the) DWA - DWZ Philippines (Republic of the) DXA - DXZ Philippines (Republic of the) DYA - DYZ Philippines (Republic of the) DZA - DZZ Philippines (Republic of the) E2A - E2Z Thailand E3A - E3Z Eritrea E4A - E4Z State of Palestine (In accordance with Resolution 99 Rev. Dubai, 2018) E5A - E5Z New Zealand - Cook Islands E6A - E6Z New Zealand - Niue E7A - E7Z Bosnia and Herzegovina EAA - EAZ Spain EBA - EBZ Spain ECA - ECZ Spain EDA - EDZ Spain EEA - EEZ Spain EFA - EFZ Spain EGA - EGZ Spain EHA - EHZ Spain EIA - EIZ Ireland EJA - EJZ Ireland EKA - EKZ Armenia (Republic of) ELA - ELZ Liberia (Republic of) EMA - EMZ Ukraine ENA - ENZ Ukraine EOA - EOZ Ukraine EPA - EPZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) EQA - EQZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) ERA - ERZ Moldova (Republic of) ESA - ESZ Estonia (Republic of) ETA - ETZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) EUA - EUZ Belarus (Republic of) EVA - EVZ Belarus (Republic of) EWA - EWZ Belarus (Republic of) EXA - EXZ Kyrgyz Republic EYA - EYZ Tajikistan (Republic of) EZA - EZZ Turkmenistan FAA - FAZ France FBA - FBZ France FCA - FCZ France FDA - FDZ France FEA - FEZ France FFA - FFZ France FGA - FGZ France FHA - FHZ France FIA - FIZ France FJA - FJZ France FKA - FKZ France FLA - FLZ France FMA - FMZ France FNA - FNZ France FOA - FOZ France FPA - FPZ France FQA - FQZ France FRA - FRZ France FSA - FSZ France FTA - FTZ France FUA - FUZ France FVA - FVZ France FWA - FWZ France FXA - FXZ France FYA - FYZ France FZA - FZZ France GAA - GAZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GBA - GBZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GCA - GCZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GDA - GDZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GEA - GEZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GFA - GFZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GGA - GGZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GHA - GHZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GIA - GIZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GJA - GJZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GKA - GKZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GLA - GLZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GMA - GMZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GNA - GNZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GOA - GOZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GPA - GPZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GQA - GQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GRA - GRZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GSA - GSZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GTA - GTZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GUA - GUZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GVA - GVZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GWA - GWZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GXA - GXZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GYA - GYZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GZA - GZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland H2A - H2Z Cyprus (Republic of) H3A - H3Z Panama (Republic of) H4A - H4Z Solomon Islands H6A - H6Z Nicaragua H7A - H7Z Nicaragua H8A - H8Z Panama (Republic of) H9A - H9Z Panama (Republic of) HAA - HAZ Hungary HBA - HBZ Switzerland (Confederation of) HCA - HCZ Ecuador HDA - HDZ Ecuador HEA - HEZ Switzerland (Confederation of) HFA - HFZ Poland (Republic of) HGA - HGZ Hungary HHA - HHZ Haiti (Republic of) HIA - HIZ Dominican Republic HJA - HJZ Colombia (Republic of) HKA - HKZ Colombia (Republic of) HLA - HLZ Korea (Republic of) HMA - HMZ Democratic People's Republic of Korea HNA - HNZ Iraq (Republic of) HOA - HOZ Panama (Republic of) HPA - HPZ Panama (Republic of) HQA - HQZ Honduras (Republic of) HRA - HRZ Honduras (Republic of) HSA - HSZ Thailand HTA - HTZ Nicaragua HUA - HUZ El Salvador (Republic of) HVA - HVZ Vatican City State HWA - HWZ France HXA - HXZ France HYA - HYZ France HZA - HZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) IAA - IAZ Italy IBA - IBZ Italy ICA - ICZ Italy IDA - IDZ Italy IEA - IEZ Italy IFA - IFZ Italy IGA - IGZ Italy IHA - IHZ Italy IIA - IIZ Italy IJA - IJZ Italy IKA - IKZ Italy ILA - ILZ Italy IMA - IMZ Italy INA - INZ Italy IOA - IOZ Italy IPA - IPZ Italy IQA - IQZ Italy IRA - IRZ Italy ISA - ISZ Italy ITA - ITZ Italy IUA - IUZ Italy IVA - IVZ Italy IWA - IWZ Italy IXA - IXZ Italy IYA - IYZ Italy IZA - IZZ Italy J2A - J2Z Djibouti (Republic of) J3A - J3Z Grenada J4A - J4Z Greece J5A - J5Z Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) J6A - J6Z Saint Lucia J7A - J7Z Dominica (Commonwealth of) J8A - J8Z Saint Vincent and the Grenadines JAA - JAZ Japan JBA - JBZ Japan JCA - JCZ Japan JDA - JDZ Japan JEA - JEZ Japan JFA - JFZ Japan JGA - JGZ Japan JHA - JHZ Japan JIA - JIZ Japan JJA - JJZ Japan JKA - JKZ Japan JLA - JLZ Japan JMA - JMZ Japan JNA - JNZ Japan JOA - JOZ Japan JPA - JPZ Japan JQA - JQZ Japan JRA - JRZ Japan JSA - JSZ Japan JTA - JTZ Mongolia JUA - JUZ Mongolia JVA - JVZ Mongolia JWA - JWZ Norway JXA - JXZ Norway JYA - JYZ Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) JZA - JZZ Indonesia (Republic of) KAA - KAZ United States of America KBA - KBZ United States of America KCA - KCZ United States of America KDA - KDZ United States of America KEA - KEZ United States of America KFA - KFZ United States of America KGA - KGZ United States of America KHA - KHZ United States of America KIA - KIZ United States of America KJA - KJZ United States of America KKA - KKZ United States of America KLA - KLZ United States of America KMA - KMZ United States of America KNA - KNZ United States of America KOA - KOZ United States of America KPA - KPZ United States of America KQA - KQZ United States of America KRA - KRZ United States of America KSA - KSZ United States of America KTA - KTZ United States of America KUA - KUZ United States of America KVA - KVZ United States of America KWA - KWZ United States of America KXA - KXZ United States of America KYA - KYZ United States of America KZA - KZZ United States of America L2A - L2Z Argentine Republic L3A - L3Z Argentine Republic L4A - L4Z Argentine Republic L5A - L5Z Argentine Republic L6A - L6Z Argentine Republic L7A - L7Z Argentine Republic L8A - L8Z Argentine Republic L9A - L9Z Argentine Republic LAA - LAZ Norway LBA - LBZ Norway LCA - LCZ Norway LDA - LDZ Norway LEA - LEZ Norway LFA - LFZ Norway LGA - LGZ Norway LHA - LHZ Norway LIA - LIZ Norway LJA - LJZ Norway LKA - LKZ Norway LLA - LLZ Norway LMA - LMZ Norway LNA - LNZ Norway LOA - LOZ Argentine Republic LPA - LPZ Argentine Republic LQA - LQZ Argentine Republic LRA - LRZ Argentine Republic LSA - LSZ Argentine Republic LTA - LTZ Argentine Republic LUA - LUZ Argentine Republic LVA - LVZ Argentine Republic LWA - LWZ Argentine Republic LXA - LXZ Luxembourg LYA - LYZ Lithuania (Republic of) LZA - LZZ Bulgaria (Republic of) MAA - MAZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MBA - MBZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MCA - MCZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MDA - MDZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MEA - MEZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MFA - MFZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MGA - MGZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MHA - MHZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MIA - MIZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MJA - MJZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MKA - MKZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MLA - MLZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MMA - MMZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MNA - MNZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MOA - MOZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MPA - MPZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MQA - MQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MRA - MRZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MSA - MSZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MTA - MTZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MUA - MUZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MVA - MVZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MWA - MWZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MXA - MXZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MYA - MYZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland MZA - MZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland NAA - NAZ United States of America NBA - NBZ United States of America NCA - NCZ United States of America NDA - NDZ United States of America NEA - NEZ United States of America NFA - NFZ United States of America NGA - NGZ United States of America NHA - NHZ United States of America NIA - NIZ United States of America NJA - NJZ United States of America NKA - NKZ United States of America NLA - NLZ United States of America NMA - NMZ United States of America NNA - NNZ United States of America NOA - NOZ United States of America NPA - NPZ United States of America NQA - NQZ United States of America NRA - NRZ United States of America NSA - NSZ United States of America NTA - NTZ United States of America NUA - NUZ United States of America NVA - NVZ United States of America NWA - NWZ United States of America NXA - NXZ United States of America NYA - NYZ United States of America NZA - NZZ United States of America OAA - OAZ Peru OBA - OBZ Peru OCA - OCZ Peru ODA - ODZ Lebanon OEA - OEZ Austria OFA - OFZ Finland OGA - OGZ Finland OHA - OHZ Finland OIA - OIZ Finland OJA - OJZ Finland OKA - OKZ Czech Republic OLA - OLZ Czech Republic OMA - OMZ Slovak Republic ONA - ONZ Belgium OOA - OOZ Belgium OPA - OPZ Belgium OQA - OQZ Belgium ORA - ORZ Belgium OSA - OSZ Belgium OTA - OTZ Belgium OUA - OUZ Denmark OVA - OVZ Denmark OWA - OWZ Denmark OXA - OXZ Denmark OYA - OYZ Denmark OZA - OZZ Denmark P2A - P2Z Papua New Guinea P3A - P3Z Cyprus (Republic of) P4A - P4Z Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Aruba P5A - P5Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea P6A - P6Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea P7A - P7Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea P8A - P8Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea P9A - P9Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea PAA - PAZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PBA - PBZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PCA - PCZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PDA - PDZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PEA - PEZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PFA - PFZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PGA - PGZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PHA - PHZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PIA - PIZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) PJA - PJZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba PJA - PJZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Curaçao PJA - PJZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Sint Maarten (Dutch part) PKA - PKZ Indonesia (Republic of) PLA - PLZ Indonesia (Republic of) PMA - PMZ Indonesia (Republic of) PNA - PNZ Indonesia (Republic of) POA - POZ Indonesia (Republic of) PPA - PPZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PQA - PQZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PRA - PRZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PSA - PSZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PTA - PTZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PUA - PUZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PVA - PVZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PWA - PWZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PXA - PXZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PYA - PYZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) PZA - PZZ Suriname (Republic of) RAA - RAZ Russian Federation RBA - RBZ Russian Federation RCA - RCZ Russian Federation RDA - RDZ Russian Federation REA - REZ Russian Federation RFA - RFZ Russian Federation RGA - RGZ Russian Federation RHA - RHZ Russian Federation RIA - RIZ Russian Federation RJA - RJZ Russian Federation RKA - RKZ Russian Federation RLA - RLZ Russian Federation RMA - RMZ Russian Federation RNA - RNZ Russian Federation ROA - ROZ Russian Federation RPA - RPZ Russian Federation RQA - RQZ Russian Federation RRA - RRZ Russian Federation RSA - RSZ Russian Federation RTA - RTZ Russian Federation RUA - RUZ Russian Federation RVA - RVZ Russian Federation RWA - RWZ Russian Federation RXA - RXZ Russian Federation RYA - RYZ Russian Federation RZA - RZZ Russian Federation S2A - S2Z Bangladesh (People's Republic of) S3A - S3Z Bangladesh (People's Republic of) S5A - S5Z Slovenia (Republic of) S6A - S6Z Singapore (Republic of) S7A - S7Z Seychelles (Republic of) S8A - S8Z South Africa (Republic of) S9A - S9Z Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) SAA - SAZ Sweden SBA - SBZ Sweden SCA - SCZ Sweden SDA - SDZ Sweden SEA - SEZ Sweden SFA - SFZ Sweden SGA - SGZ Sweden SHA - SHZ Sweden SIA - SIZ Sweden SJA - SJZ Sweden SKA - SKZ Sweden SLA - SLZ Sweden SMA - SMZ Sweden SNA - SNZ Poland (Republic of) SOA - SOZ Poland (Republic of) SPA - SPZ Poland (Republic of) SQA - SQZ Poland (Republic of) SRA - SRZ Poland (Republic of) SSA - SSM Egypt (Arab Republic of) SSN - SSZ Sudan (Republic of the) STA - STZ Sudan (Republic of the) SUA - SUZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) SVA - SVZ Greece SWA - SWZ Greece SXA - SXZ Greece SYA - SYZ Greece SZA - SZZ Greece T2A - T2Z Tuvalu T3A - T3Z Kiribati (Republic of) T4A - T4Z Cuba T5A - T5Z Somalia (Federal Republic of) T6A - T6Z Afghanistan T7A - T7Z San Marino (Republic of) T8A - T8Z Palau (Republic of) TAA - TAZ Turkey TBA - TBZ Turkey TCA - TCZ Turkey TDA - TDZ Guatemala (Republic of) TEA - TEZ Costa Rica TFA - TFZ Iceland TGA - TGZ Guatemala (Republic of) THA - THZ France TIA - TIZ Costa Rica TJA - TJZ Cameroon (Republic of) TKA - TKZ France TLA - TLZ Central African Republic TMA - TMZ France TNA - TNZ Congo (Republic of the) TOA - TOZ France TPA - TPZ France TQA - TQZ France TRA - TRZ Gabonese Republic TSA - TSZ Tunisia TTA - TTZ Chad (Republic of) TUA - TUZ Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) TVA - TVZ France TWA - TWZ France TXA - TXZ France TYA - TYZ Benin (Republic of) TZA - TZZ Mali (Republic of) UAA - UAZ Russian Federation UBA - UBZ Russian Federation UCA - UCZ Russian Federation UDA - UDZ Russian Federation UEA - UEZ Russian Federation UFA - UFZ Russian Federation UGA - UGZ Russian Federation UHA - UHZ Russian Federation UIA - UIZ Russian Federation UJA - UJZ Uzbekistan (Republic of) UKA - UKZ Uzbekistan (Republic of) ULA - ULZ Uzbekistan (Republic of) UMA - UMZ Uzbekistan (Republic of) UNA - UNZ Kazakhstan (Republic of) UOA - UOZ Kazakhstan (Republic of) UPA - UPZ Kazakhstan (Republic of) UQA - UQZ Kazakhstan (Republic of) URA - URZ Ukraine USA - USZ Ukraine UTA - UTZ Ukraine UUA - UUZ Ukraine UVA - UVZ Ukraine UWA - UWZ Ukraine UXA - UXZ Ukraine UYA - UYZ Ukraine UZA - UZZ Ukraine V2A - V2Z Antigua and Barbuda V3A - V3Z Belize V4A - V4Z Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of) V5A - V5Z Namibia (Republic of) V6A - V6Z Micronesia (Federated States of) V7A - V7Z Marshall Islands (Republic of the) V8A - V8Z Brunei Darussalam VAA - VAZ Canada VBA - VBZ Canada VCA - VCZ Canada VDA - VDZ Canada VEA - VEZ Canada VFA - VFZ Canada VGA - VGZ Canada VHA - VHZ Australia VIA - VIZ Australia VJA - VJZ Australia VKA - VKZ Australia VLA - VLZ Australia VMA - VMZ Australia VNA - VNZ Australia VOA - VOZ Canada VPA - VPZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland VQA - VQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland VRA - VRZ China (People's Republic of) - Hong Kong VSA - VSZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland VTA - VTZ India (Republic of) VUA - VUZ India (Republic of) VVA - VVZ India (Republic of) VWA - VWZ India (Republic of) VXA - VXZ Canada VYA - VYZ Canada VZA - VZZ Australia WAA - WAZ United States of America WBA - WBZ United States of America WCA - WCZ United States of America WDA - WDZ United States of America WEA - WEZ United States of America WFA - WFZ United States of America WGA - WGZ United States of America WHA - WHZ United States of America WIA - WIZ United States of America WJA - WJZ United States of America WKA - WKZ United States of America WLA - WLZ United States of America WMA - WMZ United States of America WNA - WNZ United States of America WOA - WOZ United States of America WPA - WPZ United States of America WQA - WQZ United States of America WRA - WRZ United States of America WSA - WSZ United States of America WTA - WTZ United States of America WUA - WUZ United States of America WVA - WVZ United States of America WWA - WWZ United States of America WXA - WXZ United States of America WYA - WYZ United States of America WZA - WZZ United States of America XAA - XAZ Mexico XBA - XBZ Mexico XCA - XCZ Mexico XDA - XDZ Mexico XEA - XEZ Mexico XFA - XFZ Mexico XGA - XGZ Mexico XHA - XHZ Mexico XIA - XIZ Mexico XJA - XJZ Canada XKA - XKZ Canada XLA - XLZ Canada XMA - XMZ Canada XNA - XNZ Canada XOA - XOZ Canada XPA - XPZ Denmark XQA - XQZ Chile XRA - XRZ Chile XSA - XSZ China (People's Republic of) XTA - XTZ Burkina Faso XUA - XUZ Cambodia (Kingdom of) XVA - XVZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) XWA - XWZ Lao People's Democratic Republic XXA - XXZ China (People's Republic of) - Macao XYA - XYZ Myanmar (Union of) XZA - XZZ Myanmar (Union of) Y2A - Y2Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y3A - Y3Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y4A - Y4Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y5A - Y5Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y6A - Y6Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y7A - Y7Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y8A - Y8Z Germany (Federal Republic of) Y9A - Y9Z Germany (Federal Republic of) YAA - YAZ Afghanistan YBA - YBZ Indonesia (Republic of) YCA - YCZ Indonesia (Republic of) YDA - YDZ Indonesia (Republic of) YEA - YEZ Indonesia (Republic of) YFA - YFZ Indonesia (Republic of) YGA - YGZ Indonesia (Republic of) YHA - YHZ Indonesia (Republic of) YIA - YIZ Iraq (Republic of) YJA - YJZ Vanuatu (Republic of) YKA - YKZ Syrian Arab Republic YLA - YLZ Latvia (Republic of) YMA - YMZ Turkey YNA - YNZ Nicaragua YOA - YOZ Romania YPA - YPZ Romania YQA - YQZ Romania YRA - YRZ Romania YSA - YSZ El Salvador (Republic of) YTA - YTZ Serbia (Republic of) YUA - YUZ Serbia (Republic of) YVA - YVZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) YWA - YWZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) YXA - YXZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) YYA - YYZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Z2A - Z2Z Zimbabwe (Republic of) Z3A - Z3Z North Macedonia (Republic of) Z8A - Z8Z South Sudan (Republic of) ZAA - ZAZ Albania (Republic of) ZBA - ZBZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZCA - ZCZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZDA - ZDZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZEA - ZEZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZFA - ZFZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZGA - ZGZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZHA - ZHZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZIA - ZIZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZJA - ZJZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZKA - ZKZ New Zealand ZLA - ZLZ New Zealand ZMA - ZMZ New Zealand ZNA - ZNZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZOA - ZOZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZPA - ZPZ Paraguay (Republic of) ZQA - ZQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ZRA - ZRZ South Africa (Republic of) ZSA - ZSZ South Africa (Republic of) ZTA - ZTZ South Africa (Republic of) ZUA - ZUZ South Africa (Republic of) ZVA - ZVZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) ZWA - ZWZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) ZXA - ZXZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) ZYA - ZYZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) ZZA - ZZZ Brazil (Federative Republic of)